Who have we helped?
We have helped a number of churches and parachurches over the years and have by God's grace, enabled ministry across the region and beyond. Here are a couple of recent testimonies.
One church elder...
"Your loan was just what we needed when all the bills were coming in. It helped us through a potential cashflow problem and meant that the work could carry on without agonising over money. Thank you for your help, prayer support and interest in our building project"
Jubilee Church
"We thank God for Merseyside Evangelical Trust beause with their help we were able to get a wonderful new building, which we call The Hub, without a mortgage"
"For us at Life Church, MET was a great experience. Their professionalism made all the necessary steps so simple to facilitate all the procedures for loaning money. MET's heart is to help churches, help people who in turn will see God's Kingdom continue to be moved forward. I highly recommend this initiative for churches"